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Writer's pictureKimberley

My Habits Lead to Goal Achievement

Earlier this week on my social media pages, I asked if you were “Team Process” or “Team Results”. In other words, do you believe you best achieve your goals by focusing on the process and your daily habits or by focusing on your desired end result? Until recently, I’ve been “Team Results”, but, lately, I’ve changed teams to believe more in achieving my goals by focusing on becoming consistent in the habits that lead to the desired goal.

Specifically, I want to lose weight and be healthier physically. All my life when trying to lose weight, I set a SMART goal of losing X pounds by X date. Usually, I would achieve the short-term goal, but, here I sit still overweight because I never successfully changed my habits for the long term. So, this past December (yes, during the holidays!) I decided not to continue to focus on what hasn’t served me and take a different approach. I am focusing on my daily habits and adding one or two at a time.

The other thing I’m doing is fully utilizing affirmations and mantras. Sticky notes all over the house! On my bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, pantry and my laptop. The one that resonates best with me for my current health goal and actually stops me in the moment of wanting to grab a Coke is, “every healthy choice matters.” This reminds me I can’t procrastinate my healthy decisions; every choice I make related to food and exercise is an important point in becoming healthier.

So far, this approach has worked – I’m down 12 pounds since after Thanksgiving!

This new blog series will focus on habit changes. I’m sure I’ll be throwing in some personal examples from time to time, but my intent is not to chronicle my current weight loss journey but to share information and resources about focusing on the process and habit changes in order to reach our goals – whatever they may be. Join me in exploring goal achievement through focusing on habit changes.

My favorite quote on this topic is by Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”

To prepare for this blog series, ask yourself:

1. What goal has alluded me despite multiple attempts to achieve it?

2. What have been the stumbling blocks where I faltered or quit?

3. What is the first habit I need to change to begin progress towards achieving the goal?

Join my private Facebook group, KAS Coaching Corner, to join others in discussion on this topic.

Are you ready to change some habits, but want help in doing so? Schedule your 20-minute complimentary consultation with me to see how I might be able to help you.

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